
The Bermuda Arts Centre invites everyone to the opening of our annual 6×6 show.
This is the best Art Deal of the year with all paintings at one price of $66.00 each.
All paintings in this show are 6”x6”, and have kindly been donated to us by local artists.
It is a chance to own a painting by one of Bermuda’s leading artists for an incredible price.

THERE IS ONE RULE FOR THE EVENING: Only two paintings per person per purchase. Once you have purchased your paintings you may return to purchase another two. This gives everyone a fair chance at this one time incredible offer.

Every year we try to make the show run smoother. This year we will be having two lines for payment  – Cash and Credit Card. If you have cash you will be in and out of the line quickly and back to the wall to make another purchase.
The Gallery will be closed from 3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. while the paintings are hung.
The show opens at 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
We advise that you get there early to avoid disappointment.  Paintings sell quickly.
The show will remain open until April 20.
To view paintings in the show click here