” Doors & Windows”

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The Wall comes down…..

The ” WALL” has come down… How many rocks do you think went into building this 5 foot wall? Can you imagine building a 55 foot long wall?

A HUGE thank you to Larry Mills for lending us his time, creativity and knowledge of dry stone walls along with other natural features of Bermudian architecture. A beautiful display was created that sadly has to be dismantled due to lack of space in the Gallery. Not only did he build the wall, but Larry brought in tools of the trade to display along with explanations that both tourists and locals have enjoyed for the past few months.

Which turns us around to the question once again … ” Is a dry stone wall Art ? ”

You had better believe it, and Larry Mills is one amazing Artist !

Groundwork laid for first Plein Air Festival




November: Inaugural Bermuda Plein Air Festival

More than 750 art enthusiasts from around the world attending the 4th Annual Plein Air Convention in California next week will be enticed to bring their paint brushes to Bermuda this fall.

The inaugural Bermuda Plein Air Festival will take place November 14th to 21st and a group of the festival’s organisers will be in California to get artists excited about painting landscapes in Bermuda.

